
Friday Talks



In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful. 

The lamb sacrifice, concept and requirements.


Written by Sk. Younis Salih

Translated by: Dr. Faheem Bukhatwa


dd mmm yyyy h

dd mmm yyyy ac


Last Friday we talked about the grace and advantages of the Ten-days. The great status for those days is given by Allah and was clearly affirmed by the messenger (PPBU) when he said: {No other work or deed done in any day is more loved to Allah than what is done in these ten-days.} The righteous deeds which Allah loves for us to do a plenty of; in these days include: prayers, fasting, charity with money, and other devoted and kind acts. Charity being one of such acts that has great importance; and has much rewards due to the fact that charity will come at a much needed time for the poor and the needy.


Charity is an act whose effects and benefits are far reaching beyond the act itself. For this reason the Imam talks today about the lamb sacrifice; and how it came about? and what governs it? The sacrifice started when Allah (May HE be praised) commanded His prophet Abraham (PBU) to offer a sacrifice (or a Qurbani) to Allah on the day of sacrifice. And Abraham did eventually sacrifice a lamb; and so it became a customary act (or Sunnah) with his descendants. And because Allah commanded His prophet Muhammad (PPBU) to follow Abraham religion and beliefs, that the messenger of Allah (PPBU) made it the custom of his followers.


Allah says in the chapter of Kowther: “So give prayers to your Lord and make sacrifice by slaughter” 108-2. The scholars went on to say that this Aya referred to the Eid day. It says do the Eid prayer and then give the sacrifice. In other words, the sacrifice is required on behalf of those commanded to do the prayers. The messenger (PPBU) said: “We start our day with prayers. Then we return and do the sacrifice. This, who does this right, has perfected our custom (or Sunnah). This who does the sacrifice before the prayer, then it is considered like other meat he provided to his family and folks” meaning it would not be considered a sacrifice made to Allah.


According to the book and the messenger’s customs (sunnah), and those who followed after him, the legal sacrifice is only considered a sacrifice; and would provide all the benefits and graces of a sacrifice; if and only if it fulfilled all the requirements. It has to meet certain conditions; the first is that it is intended to obey a command of Allah (May HE be praised); and the intention of following the custom of his messenger (PPBU); and be free of any other ulterior claims intents and purposes. The act of sacrifice or slaughter is better than giving to charity the equivalent value of the sacrifice itself. That is so, because the slaughter reenacts the customary act, it is an observation to Allah’s commands, and because it is possible to pay charity at other times; while the lamb sacrifice is limited to this time. Just like the sacrifice for the newly born (Aqiqah); it is better to slaughter than to give to charity the equivalent cost value. This is according to the opinion of most scholars.


The sacrifice is required on behalf of all those alive. It is an obligatory act for those who can financially afford it; because it is one of the rituals of this religion. It is one of the acts that bring the individual closer to Allah. It honors a Muslim’s feast; and honors the Eid of the Hajj or pilgrimage to the ancient house of Allah. Doing the act of sacrifice is a way of showing appreciation to Allah, and giving thanks to Allah for His mercies of riches upon the rich. That is why only the rich are commanded to give the sacrifice and not the poor or those who are incapable.


This is a higher virtue. Nothing is more elevated than for a human to obey His Lord; or than for a human to try to reach closer to Allah through means and ways that please Him. The messenger used to distribute the sacrifice amongst his companions to make it a public act. He used to do the slaughter at the place of the Eid prayer to increase the honor for this ritual.


Slaughter on the Eid day is a worship made to the Lord of the worlds. And making a sacrifice to any other than Allah is an act of associating partners with Allah (or Shirk). The messenger (PPBU) was reported saying: {Allah curse this who makes a sacrifice to other than Allah, Allah curse this who curses his parents, Allah curse this who gives a refuge to someone who transgressed against Allah, and Allah curse this who changes a feature or light used as guide to others on this land}. The messenger (PPBU) when asked about what we gain from the sacrificed animal; he said: {A (hasanah) or a good point for each one of its hair or each hair of its wool}.


Any man or woman who is able; should not hold back from making a sacrifice. Or even two sacrifices. To be done on the day of Eid. Or sacrificing one and giving the equivalent value of the other as a charitable sacrifice; and hope for its reward to be saved with Allah. Remember that a good deed is counted for each and every hair. The poor, who is unable to make a sacrifice, let them not be sad for missing out on the reward. For the messenger (PPBU) did sacrifice two lambs, one of them is a sacrifice made by the messenger himself on behalf of every one of his followers who do not make the sacrifice.


In those first ten days of the month of Thil-Hijjah, some scholars said that a Muslim should do no hair trimming, and no nail trimming. The messenger said: {This who wants to make a sacrifice or have a sacrifice made on his/her behalf; do not trim off any hair or nails.}


One of the great good acts to do in these days is fasting. The early companions and followers used to fast all the ten days. And some did fast some and not all those ten days. For they are the best days in this worldly life. The messenger said: {The best day of all your days is the day of Arafah (that is the day before Eid day). And the best words that I and all the prophets before me said are: “No god but Allah, the one; the only with no partners, to Him belongs everything, and to Him are all thanks, and He is capable of anything”}. The messenger (PPBU) said: {fasting the day of Arahah will cleans the sins of the previous year and the remainder of this year.}


We ask Allah may He be praised to include us and you all into His pardon, and may He bestow us with His grace and riches, and may He with His mercy; make us amongst the best of His slaves. And may He help us to remember Him, give all thanks to Him, and worship Him as befits Him.


All thanks be to Allah.




  1. Adhan - The call to prayer.

  2. Ansar (or Al-Ansar): The inhabitants of the city of Al-Medina that received and supported the messenger (PPBU) when he immigrated from Mekkah in the very early years of Islam.

  3. Assalam Alaikum - The Islamic greeting, literately means: Peace be with you. Used when approaching or leaving. When used during approaching it will be like saying: I bring no harm to you . and when said during leaving somebody it will mean: No harm will come to you after I leave.

  4. Aya (or Ayah): is a verse of the Koran. It also means a miracle or a sign from God.

  5. Arafa (or Arafah or Arafat): is a mountain outside the city of Mecca that represents the climax of the Hajj worship. All doing Hajj must stay at this location on the same day.

  6. Badr - The place of the first significant battle between the Muslims and the pagans of the Quraish. It is located in Saudi Arabia.  

  7. Caliph - A Muslim ruler. See: (Khalifa) 

  8. Dajjal - Antichrist or the False Massiah.

  9. Dawah - The proliferation of Islamic teachings through word and deed.  

  10. Deen (Din) - Religion or way of life. 

  11. Duaa: a prayer in the form of talking to Allah; praising him and asking him for help.

  12. Fatwa - Legal verdict given based on the Qur'an (Koran) and the Sunnah which are the recorded sayings and deeds of Muhammad.

  13. Ferdose: is the highest level of the all the gardens of Eden or paradise.

  14. Fiqh - Religious law.

  15. Hadeeth: is something reported that the messenger have said. It includes all the speeches and ceremonies he gave. It is usually narrated or told by one of his companions. There is a list of hadeeths approximately 14000 that are reported and checked to be genuine. No more hadeeths are acceptably added to this list.

  16. Hajar - The Black Stone set into the corner of the Ka'aba in Mecca. It is said to be a stone from Heaven.

  17. Hajj - The pilgrimage to Mecca which takes place in the last month of the Islamic calendar.  One of the five pillars of Islam.

  18. Hasana or hasanas: is the reward for a good deed. a hasana is a point or a merit for a good deed.

  19. Hadith - The sayings and not deeds of the prophet Muhammad recorded by his followers.  Considered authoritative and perfect.

  20. Hajj: is the worship of pilgrimage.

  21. Hijra (or Hejrah): the event of the immigration of the messenger from Mekkah to Madina. This event marks the start of the Islamic calendar. the Islamic calendar has 12 months based on the lunar cycle, each is 29.5 days. Hijra is also used as a name for the Islamic dating system.

  22. Ibadah - Worship. All the words and deeds with which Allah is pleased. These deeds could be prayer and charity.

  23. Iblis - (Ibleese): On of Satan's names.

  24. Ibn (Ebn): the son of. Used by Arabs as part of an individual's name. Example: Ali whose father is Omar or the son of Omar, would be called: Ali Ibn Omar.

  25. Imam (or Emam)- The leader for a prayer. In the Shiaa sect, an Imam is the individual who has the religious authority.  

  26. Iman: belief or faith

  27. Injil (Enjeel) - The Bible. The book inspired to Jesus for the Christians.

  28. Islam - Submission, the religion of all the prophets of Allah culminating in Muhammad.

  29. Jannah - The heavenly garden, Paradise.  The place of the faithful in the afterlife.

  30. Jihad: is striving in the line of Allah in many forms. Includes a very wide scope varying from improving oneself to fighting a defensive war in protection of Allah's word. The greatest Jihad is the fight one's self against temptations. It also means "holy war."

  31. Jinn - Supernatural, invisible beings race of beings, below angels.  They were made from fire. Like humans, there amongst them are the faithful and the non beleivers and Jinn shall be judged on Judgment Day.

  32. Ka'aba: A cube shaped building in Mecca containing a stone laid there by Abraham and Ishmael. Some say Ka'aba was first built by Adam, and some say by Abraham. It is the holiest place for Muslims. It is where all Muslims face in their daily prayers. Ka'aba also makes a major part of the pilgrimage in a ritual known as Tawaf.

  33. Khalifa: is the Muslim ruler. Head of the Islamic empire. Exact translation: "Successor".

  34. Khutbah  - A sermon given in a Mosque, usually on Friday.

  35. Kufr - Denial or Disbelief. A term Muslims use for anyone who denies existence of Allah or the prophecy of Muhammed.

  36. Koran - Also spelled Qur'an.  The holy book of Islam revealed to Muhammad by Allah through the Archangel Gabriel.  Koran literally means "the recital."  It is the final revelation of Allah given to the prophet Muhammad. It consists of 114 surahs (or chapters.)

  37. Madinah - (Medinah): A city in the Arabian peninsula (in the country known now as Saudi Arabia). A city where the messenger had to immigrate to. Then it was called Yathrib.

  38. Masjid - A center for Muslim activity.  It is referred to as a mosque.

  39. Masiah - A sin, or a sinful act

  40. Mecca or Makkah: is the holiest city for Muslims. It contains the Ka'aba mosque with the famous black cubical shape. Mecca is the birth place of the messenger (PPBU).

  41. Mosque - A Muslim house of worship.

  42. Muhajir - (Muhajireen) Immigrant, one who leaves his home town due to lack of religious freedom. It was first used to describe early Muslims immigrating from Mecca to Median and Ethiopia.

  43. Muhammad - the final messenger and prophet of God whose message abrogated all previous revelations.  He received the Koran through the angel Gabriel over a 23 year period. Born in Mecca and died in Medina at the age of 63. His full name: Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah

  44. Muslim - One who holds faith to the religion of Islam.

  45. Nafilah: a voluntary prayer other than the five obligatory prayers; performed at any time.

  46. Nasara - Christians.  Nasrani: A Christian individual. Nasraniah: Christianity.

  47. Ommah: is the Arabic word for a nation. It usually refers to the Islamic nation unless otherwise specified.

  48. Paradise - Another word for heaven.  A garden of bliss, fruits, rivers and all forms of pleasures imaginable and imaginable. No suffering, disease or death. Service is provided by angels. All live  in it an ever lasting youthful life. Promised by Almighty Allah to all faithful, true Jews, true Christians and True Muslims. Paradise is one of two places every person will go to, either Paradise or Hellfire.

  49. PPBU (P.B.U.H.) : Peace and Prayers Be Upon him. A statement Muslims use any time they mention the name of the messenger or make a reference to him.

  50. Qadar - Fate. Preordainment is the teaching that all things, good and bad, are preordained to occur.

  51. Qadr - (night of Qadr): The night when the first revelation of the Koran took place. Most likely it happened during one of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. Or when the Koran was brought down to the nearest heaven in one go, and from there it was brought down in bits and few verses at a time over a period of 23 years. This night is considered the holiest night for Muslims with tremendous advantages.

  52. Qibla - The direction which Muslims turn for daily prayers, towards Mecca.

  53. Quraish - An ancient Arab tribe to which the messenger Muhammad belonged.

  54. Ramadan - The ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is the month of the fast. The holiest month in the Muslim colander.

  55. Salat - Prayers. Generally it covers all forms of worship, but more specifically refers to the Muslim rituals which is performed to worship Allah five times daily.

  56. Shiaa: A sect of Islam that teaches that a religion leader (Imam) should be the political ruler and must be direct descendants of the messenger (PPBU). Therefore, disapproving of all Muslim leaders who ruled After the messenger (PPBU) except Ali, the messenger's grandson.

  57. Shirk - Associating another god with Allah.  Or associating anyone or anything with Allah. Or using anyone or anything as a medium to Allah. The opposite of Monotheism or Tawheed.  

  58. Siam  or Soam- Fasting

  59. Sunni: is a the title of  those Muslims who are suppose to be following the life style of the messenger. This differentiates them from the Shiaa of Iran.

  60. Sunna (Sunnah): Is how the Messenger PPBU lived, what he did or said. It includes the way he dressed, ate, drank, prayed, interacted with other people and fought. Basically, sunnah is the life style of the messenger PPBU. It is considered the second source of legislation in Islamic laws and it is considered to be an important reference to be used for concluding arguments and disputes. It is also a title give to the main stream Muslims who make 90% if all Muslims.

  61. Surah - A chapter of the Koran.  

  62. Tawaf: part of the pilgrimage (Hajj) ritual. It involves walking round the Ka'aba Mosque in anti-clock wise direction a number of seven circles.

  63. Tauhid - Tawheed - Monotheism, in Islam is the teaching that there is only one God who alone is worthy of worship. The first requirement of becoming a Muslim. It is included in the testimony of faith for new Muslims when declaring that God is one: (No God but Allah)

  64. Taqwah - Proper fear and veneration of Allah.  A divine spark that enables the person to understand God.

  65. Taurat: The old Testaments and scriptures of Mosa.

  66. Ummah - the word means: a Nation. Usually refers to the Islamic nation unless otherwise stated.

  67. Umrah - (Amrah): A mini hajj. A Minor form of pilgrimage to Mecca. Unlike Hajj which can only be done on the 12th month of the Islamic year, Umrah can be performed at any time.

  68. Wathoo (wadoo): a washing up ritual done by Muslims before each of the five daily prayers known as ablution.

  69. Zaboor - The Psalms

  70. Zakat - The third pillar of Islam.  Alms giving, charity that is given to the poor.



Faheem Bukhatwa, my email address is :